Wednesday, June 18, 2008


To read up a premeditated topic has its merits,but to catch up with a random subject has both merit( [a] u enjoy it;[b] u don't enjoy it and just gather some jottings!) as well as the pleasure serendipity bestows upon the human ego!One such book was 'Random Harvest ' by James Hilton....yes! the very one who made Shangri - La an almost real place , just about to be marked on a map ..soon. A place made up of pure and beautiful dreams .Picked from a quaint book shop selling pre read trivia ;)(hep terminology for a second hand book! ) in Bangalore..this book had me riveted to it throughout a seemingly ,singularly nondescript ,gloomy evening and every few pages turned my time into a precious , never to be lost momentous occassion.The sheer mastery of narration and the human emotions in this book make you think hard before you ever judge a person.The story of a mans search, to a point of desperation , of his past while its right with him in his present...think a bit...doesn't this happen to us too .. sometimes ?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

my b'day blast :)

From Friday the 30th of May to Sunday the 8th of June it has been such a fantastic time for me!Totally unimagined and unexpected,warm and fun filled ...meeting up friends,accepting good wishes, every form ;) sharing and caring...thank you all... my mom, pals, colleagues, relatives ,boss n gang at TNT ,its been such a wonderful welcoming into an exciting, God -knows-what -lies-ahead ,new year, of my life.Hearing the voice of a dear friend after an impossible gap of time warmed every fiber of my heart(OK! ,I know-technically its muscle)thank you D.To be touched by love and affection is the greatest gift of this life of so glad..and reassured that ..well iv'e not done too badly for myself!Yippee....I can't wait to get older! .